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Work-Study & Graduate Assistantships

Federal Work-Study

勤工俭学是一项由联邦政府资助的项目,允许有经济需要的学生从事兼职工作. 由于项目资金有限,有兴趣参加的学生应填写 Work Study Request Form in the Quick Links section of MyLMU. 学生金融服务办公室将根据财务需求审查资金和学生的资格. Recipients will be notified via their LMU email. 符合条件的学生将收到一份勤工俭学包,必须在规定的截止日期前完成并返回. 如果包没有在截止日期前归还,勤工俭学的职位将被视为丧失.

提供勤工俭学工作的学生将按工资期内的工作时间按月支付工资. The pay rate is $10.00 per hour for new work-study students. Students may apply their work-study earnings to reduce any balance owed; however, students may retain these funds for other education-related expenses.

Graduate Assistantships

Each year, 当资金可用时,澳门威尼斯人赌城提供有限数量的研究生助教职位. When a graduate assistantship is well-conceived and executed, 它作为一个理想的工具,以促进对研究生学位的进步,同时协助费用.


Before applying for a graduate assistantship, an applicant must have applied for enrollment in a graduate program. 入学学位候选人的所有要求必须在研究生助教职位可以提供之前完成.

寻求研究生助理的学术或大学部门将审查申请并进行面试. 如果一个部门希望为一个开放的职位面试学生,将与他们联系.

学生金融服务办公室将向每个获得研究生助学金的学生发出录取通知书. All parties must sign the letter before the student can begin work.


  • Before applying for a Graduate Assistantship, 申请人必须在LMU就读研究生课程,并预先注册课程. 在学生有资格获得研究生助教职位之前,必须完成研究生课程的所有入学要求.
  • Graduate Assistants (GAs) are appointed to perform various duties. 大多数情况下,这些职责与大学的监督或行政职能有关. Each GA has an assigned supervisor.
  • 研究生助学金每学年(8月至5月)限制为18个学分的学费援助,总学时数不得超过完成学位课程所需的学时数. 学生有资格参加最多四个学期的研究生助学金计划. Assistantships are specific to the degree program of initial enrollment.
  • Graduate Assistants must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. 如果申请人已经注册硕士学位课程,并已完成一个或多个学期, the applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • Assistants generally work 15-20 hours per week. Work hours for some assistantships may vary depending upon offer and placement. If a Graduate Assistant works more than six consecutive hours, they are required by law to take a thirty (30) minute break.
  • Applications for re-appointment must be submitted annually. 从一个学期到下一个学期继续研究生助理任命的意图必须通过GA主管的电子邮件进行沟通. 继续参加研究生助学金计划取决于在职位上的令人满意的表现和履行所有义务.


  •   What is a graduate assistantship?

    A graduate assistantship is an on-campus, 在攻读学位的同时,在大学的一个部门工作的研究生可以获得学费补贴的兼职职位.

  •   What duties does a graduate assistant perform?

    Graduate assistants are appointed to perform various types of duties. 大多数情况下,这些职责与大学的监督或行政职能有关.

  •   Who is eligible to work as a graduate assistant?

    目前就读于研究生课程的学生,已完成学位候选人入学的所有要求,并且在研究生助学金中获得的学费援助少于36个学分(最多四个学期). Graduate assistantships exist primarily for graduate-level students. On rare occasions, professional degree students may apply to be a graduate assistant. In these instances, 学生金融服务办公室必须收到专业学院院长的书面许可,说明候选人有权申请和(如果被选中)担任GA. Please note that an application does not ensure placement.

  •   How do I apply for an assistantship?

    To apply for an assistantship, please click here.

  •   我可以同时申请研究生助学金和研究生学位课程吗?

    No, 申请人必须在申请研究生助教奖学金之前申请研究生课程.

  •   How do I get an assistantship?

    寻求研究生助理的学术或大学部门将审查合格的GA申请文件并进行面试. 如果一个部门希望为一个开放的职位面试学生,将与他们联系. The Office of Student Financial Services does not place Graduate Assistants; it merely facilitates the necessary paperwork and process.

  •   How will I know when to start work if I receive an assistantship?

    Before beginning work, 所有研究生助理必须签署一份录取信,详细说明学生的学费福利和维持助教资格的要求. 学生金融服务办公室将在适当的时间与学生联系并签署录取通知书.

  •   How many hours will I be required to work as a graduate assistant?


  •   Can I be a graduate assistant if I am an employee's dependent student?

    Yes. Employee dependents do not receive tuition remission for graduate studies. As a result, 雇员依赖的学生有资格成为研究生助理并获得学费福利.

  •   How many credit hours of tuition assistance will I receive?

    获得研究生助教职位的学生每学年最多可以获得18个学分的学费援助. 福利金额取决于部门/学校的预算拨款和职位要求. 学生可以获得不超过36个学分的研究生助教奖学金.

  •   As a graduate assistant, am I required to maintain a certain GPA?

    Yes, graduate assistants are required to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above to remain in good academic standing.

  •   Is graduate assistantship taxable income?

    美国国税局指出,作为学位候选人的学生通常可以排除奖学金或奖学金,如果用于入学或出勤所需的学费和费用. Please visit the IRS website for more details.